"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom." - Colossian 3:16

How do you use the Bible?   

Think about it.  Pursue it.

The Bible can be broadly used in 3 different ways: 

1. As a book of devotions or communing with Christ through the Holy Spirit.

2. To provide guidance and direction In difficulties or challenging situations, in this the Bible is invaluable (Psalm 119:105- Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path).

3. As a means of knowing the mind of Christ. In Philippians 2:5 "In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ." What's that look like? It is found in the study of scripture especially the life of Christ. The third is the most difficult to attain and thus the least pursued.

It takes time and discipline. God is usually not in a hurry with us. What's your perception of the Bible look like?